
Apple Allegedly suspends M2 Chip Production in the beginning of 2023. The reason is MacBooks!

Apple reported that it had stopped producing M2 chips in January and February because of an absence of interest in Macs.

Apple launched the M2 processor as the newest part of the M series in June 2022. The processor was a hit due to expanding the features and performance that were present in the M1 further, with an 18% faster GPUperformance, 35 percent more powerful GPU and numerous other features. The processor was available on various devices like those of the MacBook, iPad, and Mac Mini.

A significant assertion has surfaced concerning the chips manufactured by Apple. In a recent report released by the Korean-based The Elec and based on sources who have been close to the issue, Apple stopped production of M2 chips for two months from the beginning of 2023.

According to some reports, the reason behind the stoppage in production is the drop of Mac sales and MacBook retail sales.

According to the report, Apple stopped production of M2 in February and January, and returned to it in March. The reason is believed to be the low interest in Mac as well as MacBook models. It’s also part of the data that reveals that even though it was still in place in March, production decreased by half when compared with the same time in the year before.

Of course, it must be stressed that this is only an accusation. Apple faced difficulties keeping its products available while facing supply issues in December, however the M2 was still producing. The alleged pause taken place at a time that Apple was holding back chips in case of a short-term shortage.

However we also know the general decrease of this PC market. The company’s CEO Tim Cook admitted that they face issues on the PC market during their conference call for the first quarter of 2023 held last month. However, he said that due to silicon-based chips they enjoyed an edge in competition as well as a strong position.

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İlayda Mete

I am a 23 year old technology lover. I share with you the developments about technology that excite me and my experiences with games.

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