
As Dusk Falls – Review

The game, which features distinct visual aesthetics and tells the intertwined tale of two different families is more an animated character drama rather than an interactive tale. Make sure you take an interest.

We are extremely pleased that adventure games that tell amazing stories have appeared in a series of games recently. First , we have Quarry which is an interactive film. Then, as Dusk Falls, an interactive novel… Because the story is written completely written in Turkish and is a novel in Turkish, you won’t lose any aspect of the plot. We’ll go over what we mean by novel in the next paragraph however, first let’s examine the plot. The gamebegins with a tense and tense story of a family’s travels across Sacramento California to St. Louis Missouri. The child appears exhausted and the father is agitated and there is a veiled anger between mom and grandfather. It is clear the fact that no one is enthusiastic about this international move, however, we aren’t sure why. As he began to concentrate on this tiny family drama, the circumstances suddenly alter their scope. In a hotel near a highway motel, the family finds themselves in ever-growing tension when they’re held hostage by three brothers , who have robbed an sheriff.

In As Dusk Falls has solved the formula of Quantic Dream. This is the method for creating a multi-layered evolving interactive story game in which the outcomes of your choices are a natural flow and provide a profound emotional value the characters and their world 🙂 Consider Interior/Night’s As Dusk Falls without considering Quantic Dream’s games or the genres they influence. The game is difficult to obtain. For one thing, Interior/Night’s founder and director of creative Caroline Marchal oversaw the game design of earlier Quantic Dream games such as Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls.

The intertwined stories of two families

While these games were notable in terms of their graphic technologies, tonesand the kinds of narratives that they told, and their gameplay however, they did not come without their challenges. Most of the time they were hampered by their motivation to build an emotional connection to the game. As Dusk Falls On the other hand it has solved the majority of these issues, either intentionally or by accident. It is essentially a story that revolves around the interwoven stories of two distinct protagonists and the families they share. The story of As Dusk Falls is the fortuitous encounter between Vince, an embattled airline engineer who travels to the other side of America with his growing family and Jay who is the youngest member of a rough family who are trying to pay off the debts of their father through the help of a robbery trial. The story revolves around the game. Following their match and a rematch, both teams find themselves at a motel in Arizona and things turn horribly.

The interwoven tale of two families

While these games were notable in terms of their graphic technology, tones, kinds of tales they told, and their gameplay however, they did not come without the challenges. In the majority of cases they were hampered by their motivation to build an emotional connection with the game. As Dusk Falls On the other hand has been able to resolve the majority of these issues, either intentionally or by accident. The story is basically based on the intertwined stories of two people and their family members. as Dusk Falls is the fortuitous meeting between Vince, an embattled airline engineer who travels to the other side of America with his growing family and Jay who is the eldest of a rough family that is trying to pay the debts of their father through the help of a robbery trial. The story revolves around the game. After the match and a rematch, both teams find themselves at a motel in Arizona in the middle of nowhere, where things can go very badly.

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The game is divided into 2 “Books” that have three chapters each. the plot is centered around Vince, Zoe, and Jay. You have the ability to decide what happens to them. The gameplay is simple , and it has less interruptions than other adventure narrative games such as Life is Strange, Heavy Rain or The Quarry. In this game, the only interaction you have with the game is to select the option of speaking and to complete the quick-time events. Although this might seem straightforward but there’s a lot more going on. The number of different options available to each of the episodes is admirable.

There aren’t any supernatural or fanatical elements in the game.

It was fun to explore life of characters in 2K’s huge-budget summer blockbuster The Quarry, which we have previously reviewed. In this film, the scenario is more stressful as it is a real-life scenario. Here, you will find more realistic characters that are influenced by real-life experiences including the grief of bereavement, addiction, marital stress, and other forms of violence. Even when the stakes are smaller the stakes are more intensely.

Luckily, As Dusk Falls eventually slows down to a reasonable pace, creating enjoyable scenes in which the characters have the time to think and we are given an opportunity to discover the differences between their worldviews and personalities through the negotiation of the conversation and taking actions. There are times when certain levels for characters are only active after a time the character gets a bit more room to reflect. This is a nice feature that can encourage a more deliberate approach.

In the tradition in the footsteps of Heavy Rain; Interactive narrative games like The Quarry, Life is Strange or studios such as Supermassive Games and Don’t Nod usually employ an amazing non-real component to help explore the character’s psychologies and link players to the game whether it’s a serial killer’s crime mystery, or some other supernatural powers. . As Dusk Falls is, however is about an incident that went wrong, and even though it is an extraordinary storyline and high points, it’s nonetheless based on real life.

A greater amount of time is spent on the characters, as less time is required to elaborate on the motivations for the central plot of a fantasy. It’s not all high-pitched level, neither. For instance, Dusk Falls has many instances that involve conversations, reactions emotions, and conflicting ideas processes are conducted in silence, making the whole thing seem real.

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More of an online character-driven drama

The exploration of the dynamics of family relationships, interpersonal relationships and self-worth issues feel real and real. In the second portion of the story Post-traumatic stress disorder anxiety and the effects of trauma are dealt with in a mature and nuanced manner. The play, as Dusk Falls is an introspective story about finally confronting the scars from your past. The game deals with the subject in a sophisticated and nuanced manner. That’s at least how it worked in the more equal decisions we made within the story branchings we’ve played.

In fact, Dusk Falls is more than an interactive tale it’s actually an animated character show. And it does an amazing job. Of course, a lot of that strength comes from the high quality of the actors and the written dialogue that is well-written. The characters, with a few exceptions Vince, Jay and the characters supporting them are subtle and convincing. Jay particularly is a soft-spoken, mild-mannered character whose internal turmoil is delivered with grace and authenticity. Another benefit that is unique to As Dusk Falls is that it greatly benefits from being able to avoid putting characters in fantasy scenarios which require intense, top-of-the-line performances. The unique visual design of the game assists.

A different approach to art

In Dusk Falls 3D mixes backgrounds and 2D characters, and it does this with great impact. Utilizing a frame-by frame animation technique, also known as rotoscoping, on the illustrator’s live-action footage produced by actors enabled the team to be selective about which aspect of the actor’s face to utilize in these intense and dramatic scenes. The film Dusk Falls does not have motion capture or 3D models to depict the sad look of a face. Instead they are animated they move in a way so that they are overlapping.

This allows the character’s face to be displayed for longer and is more authentic unlike any 3D character in the same story. It’s true that it can take some time to get familiar with at first however, after a while you lose interest in the style of animation, and your brain fills with the blanks between every frame. It’s similar to reading comic books. It makes everything have the appeal of something that you can keep in mind, and certain events or phrases are etched in the memory. It was also an extremely creative way to present so many different scenes and effects without the huge sums required to make a film or completely animate. Consider it like Jordan Mechner’s 1997 film The Last Express.

This style helps in telling stories whether that is due to budgetary issues, a love for The Last Express, or possibly the two. Some narrative games seek to make realistic characters capable of conveying an array of expressions and emotions, As Dusk Falls has used its comic book-like layout to allow players to fill the spaces between panels, and concentrate on powerful voice-overs. The style may initially be distracting and can be a bit unsettling at times. It’s awkward, especially when the characters are not able to move their bodies. motion. But, overall it is possible to say that the game is a success.

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Deciding together how to proceed…

The game is also able to support as many as eight people online within the same room and controllers or phones are utilized to determine what happens next. It’s a great idea but particularly for first-time players We personally didn’t intend to utilize this feature often, and wanted to react naturally to specific scenarios. For multiplayer play, needing to hold for five seconds between each choice in dialogue or intersection so that everyone has the chance to vote could disrupt the flow.

You can also choose to revisit the scene to determine what could happen in the future such as how your daughter would react if you took the tough guy route instead of attempting to minimize the amount of violence that your daughter is experiencing for her sake and what could be the outcome if you simply attempted to escape? Could the character be saved? It’s fascinating however, there’s so much repetition that having to go through the majority of dialog and scene set-up you’ve previously seen to find the 20% that’s unique is not a lot of fun especially in an escapist story that focuses with suspense. . Since you know how the situation will play out the tension goes away. The only thing that is changed is the way you arrived at it.


In the end, Dusk Falls mostly stands out as an “interactive drama”. It is a masterpiece of beautifully designed as well as relatable characters great voice acting, unbeatable art direction and story-appropriate animation, it is easily above the standard for its category. It addresses sensitive themes through a candid narrative. People who wish to be surrounded by believable characters and a variety of personal struggles sometimes don’t know how fast time passes while trying to figure out the answers to seemingly unanswerable questions. The game is disappointing with an unsatisfactory second act and a sloppy conclusion Overall, it’s a fantastic narrative adventure full of dramatic moments, suspense and difficult decisions. Most importantly, the game, which is entirely translated into Turkish is available absolutely free for Xbox Gamepass owners. We highly recommend that you test it.

As Dusk Falls Reviews

Worth a look! - 7.5



It offers a good experience in terms of Immersive Repetition and Livability. The average time to finish the game is 7 hours. The game price is cheap.

User Rating: 4.7 ( 1 votes)
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Hello, I've been involved with games for a long time. I work as a full time Kernel Developer and write game articles in my spare time. I love to act as a test quality engineer on them while playing games so I write reviews of all genres of newly released games on

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