
Company of Heroes 3 – Review

Heroes Company 3 is ready to take your orders and feedback Sir!

When sequels are released to the cult series like Company of Heroes, a significant expectation is inevitably created. The second one, in particular, like we all know that it’s the ultimate classic on the market. The cold WWII atmosphere, the Hollywood-style cinematic conflicts, maps that work with a variety of games that allow multiplayer… A sequel classic game that is still popular to this day Let’s see if we will be able to maintain its success in the same game.

Fronts that are not known, well-known routes…

Sir, you’re aware that because that the Second World War caused great destruction across the globe It is an ideal material for any kind of art. The gaming industry will not be afraid to profit from it. There are million games available that are available. This is the place where CoH 3 somehow manages to position itself in a new situation. Since the game takes players to the most obscure battlefields in the conflict. Mediterranean Fronts… It’s a bit confusing. do not know why, perhaps I’m just ignorant as I don’t know much about this aspect of war, playing the game I was feeling as if we were playing in a different war in an entirely different period, and not in the Second World War.

In conclusion this way of thinking about the game is very innovative and positive. We don’t have the same kind of facades built and exhibited on display. The icy , cold atmosphere that is evoked whenever you think of the Second World War is mentioned and the tanks moving across the snow and soldiers freezing frigid cold, carrying their guns onto their backs and smoking cigarettes. It gives up its mark on the lush green plains, vibrant structures, the savanna climate, and the yellow-red color from Africa within The Italian countryside.

Afro-Italian Approaches to WW2

In terms of the unexplored side of warfare, it needs to be not forgotten that there are two active scenarios within the game. Italy as well as North Africa. It is interesting to note that the game offers us a fascinating surprise, and we are expecting the differences in frontlines to impact the map and story. The two fronts appear as if they’re two distinct games from each the other.

It is the North African front welcomes us with an organization that occurs across various parts of Africa and develops according to a traditional method. We seize specific areas and increase the size of our troops using the resources we acquire from these regions and then perform the task that is asked of us in that area. The traditional RTS simulations are familiar in managing resources.

There are numerous maps, and a variety of missions to be carried out on the African front. In virtually every map in addition to the primary mission (destroy the base of the enemy and blow up enemy units, seize the xx areas under control of the enemy and so on. ) There are small tasks. The side missions performed gives us some advantages and aesthetics, like additional material. It is a look at the North African front from the viewpoint of an Jewish family; gives us an account told using intermediate cinematics. However, I would affirm that the link between the narrative told and the actual scenario is not very strong. The story is superficially “We are fighting, but ask us why we are fighting”. For instance, due to new fronts that the father in the family is sent to war, and we fight on that front. The family drama is shown using the interlude cinematic. er? This has nothing to do with the game, therefore showing the grass that has been trampled while the elephants stomp can be connected in the same way? The scenario is still on the horizon within North Africa. This isn’t an issue to me. CoH does not come with the expectation of an amazing screenplay experience. However, is there an alternative? I believe it could be.

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Italy is a world apart.

So, guys, what is it that we are trying to do this moment?

After discussing the African sauce experiences of the situation we’ve had on the North African front for twenty years, let’s get to the point at which the meat’s tail is taken away. It is the Italian side is the area where the experimental and innovative approach to the game are played.

Italy is a surprise to us and then leaves us with a turning-based screen of strategy. Yes, you read that right. In the majority scenarios, including the Italy scenario we can set up different strategies using the screen for turn-based strategies. The reason for this model is the fact that it is designed by using interactively. This means that using the turn-based system similar to Civilization where we conquer different regions of Italy to create defenses, form units and fight. It’s entirely dependent on you to decide which region, what, which troops, and what to capture. The game provides you with the “capture Naples” main mission to complete the main mission. In this case you’re following your brain. As we get to the battle or capture part the game is switched back into the strategy game in real time. We’re fighting on this front, and we play depending on the outcome. In short this, we have a system which says “decide where to fight turn-based – start the battle – fight in real time – return to the turn-based strategy screen”. How can this strategy, which is extremely effective, function?

However, in a lazy method… The system appeared to me like a great idea was wasted in a hurry. The first thing to note is that the turn-based system can be difficult to comprehend and master. If you’re one those who enjoy playing every game in hard mode like me, this method of game can turn you into a fish that has been thrown out of the water. In a system that’s poorly designed and is not logical it is extremely difficult to comprehend the reasons behind what we do, and how we do it, as well as the consequences of our actions initially. Furthermore, any wrong choices that you make can result in devastating consequences, and could even cost you 5-6 hours. The game does not teach this strategy to the players and reeks of fun from the viewpoint that says “come on my lion, you can solve it somehow”. Sit down and discuss about it in a way that is correct. After embracing the game’s system and understanding the logic behind it The game is enjoyable. However, to do that, you need to put away hours and realize that every mistake is destroying you. In the beginning I was convinced that I might be the culprit as I was embarrassed by my lack of competence, and I fell in the middle of the road to determine what I was going to write in my review. Luckily, it came into my mind to read the remarks of the players afterward and I discovered that the problem wasn’t my fault. Yahu me in Civilization “one more lap!” I am a guy who has destroyed his college life by letting his cries go If I’m exhausted in this turn-based system, woe for us…

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Beyond that aside from all this, I would like to mention that the real-time battles that take place on the Italian front are also vibrant, much like those in the African front. The battles that take place in the tiny as well as beautiful Italian villages are truly beautiful and real. There is destruction from tanks within the colorful homes and the struggle to escape the snipers who hide within the shabby homes, the air strikes as well as the dust… I can assure you that it is a cinematic experience.

As I have mentioned previously in the Italian front there isn’t any literal storytelling as that of North Africa. The story is told by way of interaction, which I believe is the most appropriate choice. The story is constantly evolving and changing in accordance with the outcomes that we make, this gives some dynamism and fun for the player.

You’re part of a new generation, surely?

Let’s talk about our graphic… While CoH 3 doesn’t offer a stunning graphics experience I believe it offers sufficient graphics to be suitable to be considered a good fit for it to be considered an RTS genre. Motion animations are sufficient. You can enjoy amazing visuals when our soldiers leap across the trenches, or as tanks blast through obstacles. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for the whole game. There are some minor graphic issues. Sometimes soldiers are missing buildings are destroyed by caarts are loaded with coatings late… However I’m able to say that I was pleased with the results overall. What could be better? It certainly could. Although it might be difficult to describe it as 2023 however, it’s hard to argue that it merits harsh criticisms for example “how graphic bro, like the game of the previous generation”.

If the good graphics are paired with vibrant maps we are not used to seeing in this CoH series, an pleasing structure is created. It is uncertain if this vibrant design that is a part of Italy and Africa is suited to the chilly and bleak atmosphere that we witnessed during World War II; but this is because the architecture of the areas in which the game is played also calls for such a layout I believe it isn’t a matter to be criticized. It is important to sit at the start of the game and know that a dark and sombre atmosphere is not as welcoming like the previous games.

In addition I also found that the control panel to be comfy and sufficient. The control of the units is simple and easy, and using the strengths of our units is enjoyable. While there are (for at present) 4 armies, and (again at present) approximately ten units similar to each within each army, I’m able to say that there is sufficient depth in the army since each one has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of tactical.

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In terms of tactical production The CoH 3 manages to maintain the good name of its predecessor. We must think about numerous factors in various ways and design our strategies according to the circumstances. If the enemy is located behind this bridge, then you could destroy the bridge and make things harder. If the enemy is over yours, you can direct your troops to travel behind them and then ascend. If the enemy is threatening using tanks, you can move your anti-tank troops at strategically important locations and create an absolute difficult target for tankers… You can see, I am able to talk about a variety of subjects and laugh like Sun Tzu, because CoH 3 provides a framework that lets you consider all of these and then put them into action. Although there are a few technical issues that can make it difficult to understand the tactical nuances, overall CoH 3 is a game that has numerous strategies.

In addition, there is an additional great thing regarding this game. Turkish game support for Turkish is included within the game. It is a possibility is that CoH 2 is also very well-liked in Turkey is now discovered because the game comes with the direct Turkish support. Even though the story is fabricated but it is not of any value for story continuation it is true that it is a convenient way to play the game and learn the strengths of the units with ease.

How far can one firearm…

Let’s get to the multiplayer aspect… Like you may know, CoH has always been an excellent production with its multiplayer component over the long term. In the third installment this tradition has not been broken and we can enjoy an enjoyable experience in multiplayer. The diverse aspects of each army’s units shine in multiplayer. Balance of Power is generally present. Although there’s a range of around ten maps currently it’s not hard to anticipate that updates and DLC as well as many advancements will be coming in the near future.

The well-balanced distribution works not just in terms of the army unit, but also in regards to being able to match players. It never occurred to me that I was being taken off by 9-year-old Korean players as in Starcraft. The well-balanced design allows you to be a part of the game in a deeper way, and, in this way, the positive aspects of the game earn you another point.

Battle Result: “Meh”

While all the points I’ve mentioned are sufficient for CoH 3 a good game however, it is also evident that it is not able to generate the kind of excitement that CoH 2 did. It’s a game that is shaken by a variety of errors in the technology and bad decisions. However, the game is enjoyable in its own. Actually, as you’re reading this it will be the case that the game has received a massive update and maybe some of the problems I’ve mentioned previously will be gone. It’s… the game is an eerie feeling to realize that Relic could be better but that’s not the point.

Company of Heroes 3 - Review

Good! - 7.7



Although it has various problems, it is a game that can be addicted like CoH 2 after getting used to it. The single-player mode is a bit of a twist, but the multiplayer mode is promising.

User Rating: Be the first one !

Ayşe Gül_

Ayse is an actress who writes reviews for the Games.

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