
Potion Tycoon – Preview

Someone has to make the endless potion recipes in the role-playing games, but who cares.

The most important thing to have for games of roleplay are potions. There are numerous potions, particularly in the current role-playing games. Certain players make use of the potions on a regular basis, while others put them away in the area of their inventory in case they need them at some point, and never use them till the match is finished. Potions are an integral element of our lives when playing role-playing games. Do you consider how these potions are created? We’ve actually played several games so far that try at answering this query. Here’s the latest one, Potion Tycoon, which began the early access program on the 13th of March 2023, on Steam.

The premise of Potion Tycoon is that the idea behind Potion Tycoon game is to purchase materials, then create and sell potions using the materials. To accomplish this, first we set up our own shop and begin selling a health drink using the first materials we’ve got. It is essential to prepare the potion before. When you place an order to make it, and your potion maker makes the potion automatically when you have the right ingredients. Based on the information I provided it’s also crucial to set up a production line within the game. Instead of dealing all things manually it is necessary to automate and link things.

There are a variety of potions, different substances which can be used to make these potions, and a variety of equipment used to make different versions of these substances for Potion Tycoon. Potion Tycoon game. To make use of these tools and equipment, or to create potions, you have to recruit new employees which means that each employee will possess different traits. After that, you construct the production chain and operate your shop. But, at this point, I’d be able to say that the chain building process isn’t an easy system to learn. If you’ve never experienced this kind of game prior to now creating manufacturing chains for this game could be a little confusing for you, and you could be bored by the game.

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We boost our standing by selling high-quality potions at Potion Tycoon, and we are able to bring in more customers as we gain fame for our shop. A higher number of customers means more revenue. The more money you make, the greater the Elixir… It’s the ingredients required to create the elixir have been taken away… In of course, we shouldn’t overlook this fact: in these games, it’s not enough to simply create potions, but you also shape and grow the substances utilized in the preparation of potions. What do you do if the health potion that you already have recipe for isn’t enough? The next step is to create your own potion, experimenting with recipes, and much more Sir.

Potion shops are in competition with Potion Tycoon

The ingredients used to create the potions you make within Potion Tycoon. Potion Tycoon game have different effects and components. In this game, you can create new recipes for potions by mixing them together. For instance, if you mix Lupine and Catnip to make the speed potion. But it doesn’t end there. Every material has an element with three effects. The effects are not always able to yield positive results. For instance, Lupine is actually quite harmful. This is why you must eliminate it and rid yourself of the taste that is toxic. So, your speed drink will become more appealing.

It’s not simple to remove elements from materials within Potion Tycoon. It’s really simple but requires an intelligent choice. The substance is made up of four squares. And you can cut two of them in either direction, transversely or longitudinally. This means that it is possible to remove the harmful substance, but after you eliminate it, you will lose one additional effect. You must create the potion keeping this loss in your mind. Once you’ve created the recipe to make your elixir the way you like, my favourite aspect, bottling as well as pricing it, comes. This is where you are able to customize the bottle and the price of the drink in the way you like.

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Three opponents are for the total of three opponents during this Potion Tycoon game, and you can view these competitors in the summary which appears at the end the day. You will be able to see which shops sell the highest amount of potions. In addition you can identify what kind of adventurers you are selling and the types of potions you’ve sold. For instance, “Guard” type adventurers generally prefer health potions. For instance, “Wizard” type characters might also like the more powerful potions. The game also teaches the most fundamentals with a great tutorial questline and the long-term goals set out later will help you decide what kind of shop you will eventually be. The game isn’t overloaded players with details.

Potions Tycoon a detailed, but tense experience

Potion Tycoon has some really appealing features for gamers who are interested in this genre. When we discuss making our shop more customizable and expandable and fulfilling the orders of VIP clients, playing with potion recipes, and managing our staff in depth as well as the economy and other elements of strategy make for a great idea developed. However, the game faces one or two issues. The most significant issue is the fact that it’s difficult to establish an efficient production chain. Like I said it isn’t easily accessible, however, once you are aware of it, you will face problems. The system operates in such a an approach that it is more efficient in every way to control the production of the potions by hand.

Potion Tycoon also needs a number of quality of life enhancements and bugs fix updates. This means that even leaving the menus using”ESC. “ESC” key can sometimes result in an error within the game. There is an extremely complex structure. In addition, with the system based on the management and making of potions producing and the making of ingredients for the potion is not enjoyable in any way. Working with ingredients is an extremely unpleasant experience, particularly when you are making high-end potions. Additionally is that the game can crash at random times regardless of how powerful your equipment is. It’s pretty irritating too.

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Potion Tycoon hasn’t even completed the first week of its early access timeframe yet. The team behind the game appears to be involved on the game right now. Thus, feedback from players is getting received and bug fixes and improvements are being developed. Additionally, even though it is in an early access phase it offers an enjoyable experience thanks to the content that it has already and has been claimed that new regions, brand new events in the game, brand new options for customization, and more will be added to the game in the near future. The price is also expected to be increasing in the full version. Even with its issues it is possible to purchase the game right now and hold off for updates.


Hello, I've been involved with games for a long time. I work as a full time Kernel Developer and write game articles in my spare time. I love to act as a test quality engineer on them while playing games so I write reviews of all genres of newly released games on

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