
Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition – Review

One of the most popular strategy games of all time is now available on consoles for the very first time. Do you want to get lost into Age of Empires II like never before!

In the past, PC game titles aren’t unusual for genres such as strategy or adventure games to pop up in your our minds. Of these is one of the most popular games in the history of gaming, Age of Empires, which is marking its 25th year anniversary and it’s now accessible for players to enjoy Age of Empires II as the ultimate Edition on the latest generation consoles. Definitive Edition was released to PC in the year 2019, but it’s now available to play this game with Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S generation. It’s also available in Game Pass, like all Microsoft games. Therefore, there’s no reason not to play!

It is likely that nobody has a clue about the process of the present: we select an actual civilization and attempt to move the technology from its basic time to the post-imperial period, where every technology that was possible was researched. In the case of the mode we select, our goal might be simply to win an armed conflict, to maintain the monument in place or to assert our rule over other people.

Can you play with a complete controller?

It is not a secret that playing a full-on RTS (real-time strategies) isn’t easy for those who aren’t used to the genre. From locating essential resources such as wood to building structures or training soldiers, planning for our assault or participating in combat There are a lot of tasks to complete. The younger generation of gamers who were accustomed to today’s straightforward game mechanics may be a bit lost in the game’s original, however the console edition that comes with Age of Empires II also provides a detailed and valuable tutorial that walks us through step-by-step what to do and how to get access to every command.

Naturally, since the majority of gamers are playing with a gamepad World’s Edge team has arranged the buttons on your controller so that you can enjoy games in the most relaxed manner possible. They’ve done a great job at dispersing functions, however they aren’t as well-equipped regarding buttons when compared to the multi-functionality of the keyboard, controller and mouse. This could make the game appear too “complex” than ideal. Naturally, should wish, you could play the game using an electronic keyboard and mouse your console. To ease the lives of controllers, the possibility to instantly access resources is also available to the game so that players can complete simple tasks, without having to command them to do everything.

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You can configure this option to perform only certain tasks or completely disable it so that we can complete all tasks by hand. It’s not an “magic” option to help us to win, but it will cause us to forget the basic things when we are learning all the things. Since the entire tactics and the basic actions will be dependent on your. These elements that are more geared toward an easy beginning to play focus on mini-missions that keep us in the learning-to-play mode and is categorized as basic concepts as well as advanced techniques.

If you’re eager to start today, why not take advantage of choices?

When you are assured, you are able to change to two primary single-player modes Campaigns (“short” games for up to eight teams from that we can select from the categories of civilization, environment age group, age range and nine games modes) or more specific themed on battles from the past as well as Sun Tzu’s Art of War. missions with more challenging difficulties.

The missions of the game can be described as a mode in which we maximize the enjoyment of the game. it has a myriad of challenges that are classified by chronological order or region. Naturally, you can also participate in online-based collaborative campaigns and even challenge opponents. If you’re using AI, you have the option to select its standard configuration as well as HD AI (based on the game’s revised version made available on PC during 2013) that is more in tune with the rules of the game’s endgame and, in essence, more difficult to manage.

Does Age of Empires II Definitive Edition difficult?

The game isn’t easy at first, however it can take some time to realize that you’ll need to be disciplined when it comes to certain tasks. It really depends much on the mission. At first, you need to concentrate on the construction of log camps or farms and then find resources to support everything. One of the most crucial things isn’t to be reckless. We must ensure there are enough building materials and food supplies to feed our people and our troops. Exploration is based in “fog of war” (we only look around to us, and we need to conquer new territories to constantly see the world) is also a process that requires some training.

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It’s not the only game of its kind that we’ve played on Xbox Of course. There are other classics such as Halo Wars, which we played before with great excitement. But this is a completely different game, which will require more attention from us even though they’ve included every possible assistance and explanations. Once you’ve gotten used to the speed I’m sure you’ll be able to agree with us on how thrilling it is to build strong civilizations starting from the ground up. In this respect I suggest you never delay any training or instruction from the beginning. If you do, your loss in the majority of the more difficult conflicts may not even be true. To become accustomed to the world you must begin by studying the adventures of William Wallace and then work your way up from there.

Are you willing to commit lots of time and effort to this game?

Most games come with the predetermined time to finish. It’s nearly impossible to restrict Age of Empires 2 DE. The developers say that the game will last about 200 hours across all its campaigns and challenges however, as we’ve said that this is usually contingent on the speed we choose for each task. Additionally, in this version you can choose from 42 different civilizations available to choose from (each having their own advantages in terms of different time frames for construction on the playing field) We must also note that multiplayer and skirmishes could offer endless hours of global battle. There’s even an option to modify. It is unlikely that the game will ever end unless you’re bored.

A great strategy game will give you an intense experience, especially when you understand the intricacies of each war strategy or building procedure. Additionally, AoE 2 is also one of the top examples of the genre the past. But, as I said in the first paragraph of this review, it’s not a style of gaming that appeals to people who are used to games that are played without the need for force, like cat simulation or similar. However, it’s worth taking a chance in my opinion.

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An entirely new experience

In terms of technical aspects If you’ve played playing the game on 4K or on an Xbox Series S like us can enjoy the game at 1440p resolution and in Turkish. Although the game has been redesigned and comes with the latest resolution, it might seem somewhat simplistic to some players in terms of graphics especially after watching the work Age of Empires IV has accomplished on PC. They certainly let us “see life” on the playfield, from the tiny farmers who build with a lot of effort and maintain the land to wild animals that graze in the vicinity of us. It’s not spectacular, however the setting is well-set up.

The user interface is adjusted for the console game and the icons and text fonts are easy to read. However, I have to mention that some menus include buttons that are not compatible with the entire message they intend to convey. I also found some minor errors in translation that indicated that English is in danger J When we’re comfortable with the basics you can switch to an advanced interface that gives us more options. And regarding accessibility, we could reduce your interface’s size by up 70% or alter the colors in the event that we experience visual difficulties.

Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition - Review

Real time strategy! - 8.7



To summarise While preserving the essence of the real-time strategy (RTS) game that was a huge success in time, numerous possibilities have been added to make the game more suitable for the present time and, of course, the next-generation console profile. It might not be suitable for all players, but if you're interested in the genre of strategy, Age of Empires II Definitive Edition is the latest favorite. It is totally in Turkish and can be downloaded for accessible for free through Xbox Game Pass.

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Ayşe Gül_

Ayse is an actress who writes reviews for the Games.

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