
Ubisoft announces it will utilize artificial intelligence to create stories for its games.

Ubisoft has announced a new artificial intelligence software that it claims to have created to assist screenwriters. The software, named Ubisoft Ghostwriter, will be employed for script and dialogue writing.

It was just an issue of time before AI (AI) became a part of games. And just recently, Ubisoft took a concrete move in this direction with its announcement. Ubisoft is a brand we recognize from the Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry and Ghost Recon series, will “make it simple” to make dialogue for games using an AI-powered tool that it has developed, which will help screenwriters.

Artificial intelligence will be used in dialogues.

The tool is dubbed Ubisoft Ghostwriter This AI tool was developed through Ubisoft La Forge, the company’s research and development arm. Ubisoft states that only NPCs will be using this program to create dialogues at present. Ghostwriter will not create dialog from scratch, but collaborate with screenwriters to produce more real NPC interactions, by creating variations of a piece of dialogue, as per Ubisoft. The company’s statements suggest that statements from Ubisoft that the software created isn’t actually an “artificial intelligence” and is actually a “deep understanding” tool.

“Ghostwriter was designed by teams of writers to assist writers complete repetitive tasks faster and more efficiently giving writers more time and flexibility to write the games of narrative, characters and cutscenes” Ubisoft says in their Ghostwriter trailer. So, it is clear that the primary goal for Ubisoft is to cut down time for screenwriters. Therefore there will be less time spent writing dialogues for many NPCs in games while more emphasis is placed on the story and the missions.

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We’ll probably find out the effectiveness of the program in the near future, but some screenwriters are already opposed to the use of such tools. Sony Santa Monica writer Alanah Pearce states, “As a writer, having to edit dialogues and scenarios created by AI requires a lot more time than writing my own ad-hoc scripts. I prefer AAA studios utilize the money they invest in creating tools such as this to hire additional writers.” The phrases were used.


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