
Video of gameplay from Contain released

The second video of the production, created in collaboration with the Turkish firm that develops games, SinginGiant was released. Its Contain gameplay video showcases the mission's area.

SinginGiant is preparing for signing one of the biggest and most successful domestic productions that we’ve seen. The gameplay video contained in the Contain package lets us examine the primary focus in the FPS genre of production.

You can clearly see the effects of rain and lighting clear in this video Contain Mission Zone, which will open in closed beta before early access later in the days. Although we aren’t trying to be awestruck by this game in any way, we won’t be an exaggeration to claim that the gameplay and graphics we played through were very impressive to us.

Contain, which is reminiscent of Rainbow Six-style missions, is expected to be available primarily to games on the PC platform. However, after talking to the company that produces the game We learned that there might be console versions in the near future.

Created using Unreal Engine 5, the game was then ported onto Unreal Engine 5 as it offered better performance and effects throughout development. This provides Contain the opportunity to take maximum advantage of a robust graphics engine.

Since the developers have been involved in the gaming industry for quite a while We are confident that the coming game will meet the needs of gamers. This is why we are optimistic about the game.

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Rıza Tahtalı

My biggest hobby in my life is games. I played all game genres especially FPS and RPG. I'm an editor for gaming news here and I hope you enjoy my articles.

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