
Free Epic Games Store Games

There was then a change...

The American company continues to please us with its two games per day. Since the site was updated in the last few minutes, all free Epic Games Store games are now available to download. This week we’ve got two games: an AAA and an Indie game that we have on our list.

As you are aware, Epic Games offers one or more games for users on a regular basis with the exception of Christmas. As a result, even as we include both big and budget-friendly games to our library for free as well, Epic Games is an American publisher has had great success in keeping customers.

As you may have guessed, following the announcement that was made this week that The Blazing Sails as well as Dying Light enhanced Edition will be available this week. But, due to a change made later, the game shapez was picked in place of Blazing Sails. You can add both games to your library up to the 13th of April on Thursday 2023, at 18:30. The next week’s games are MORDHAU and Second Extinction.

About Shapez:

Factory to produce automatically Shapez geometric shapes

It’s a relaxing game can be set up.

As the levels increase as the level increases, the shapes will become more complex , and you’ll need to add more shapes to the map!

As if that weren’t enough, you must increase production to satisfy the demands for shapes. Expansion can be all that can assist!

When you’re just working on the shapes in the beginning you’ll need paint them later and for that, you need to get rid of all paints, and then mix them!

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About Dying Light Enhanced Edition:

In an open-world survival game you’re Kyle Crane, a covert agents assigned to break into the quarantined zone of a fictional city in the middle east known as Harran. Dying Light can be played with up to four players. can play as a cooperative game with up to 4 players provides a lively day-to-night transition. Although your enemies infected with the virus tend to be slow and fragile in the daytime, they’re very tough and aggressive at night. Although you are able to use close-range as well as long-range weapons It is important to remember that it stands out due to its the fluidity of the parkour system.

The Enhanced Edition, The Following, tells the story of our protagonist on a huge and distinctive map. It also features customizable off-road vehicles. A mod that has its own story based on four content downloads, Cuisine & Cargo gets two new quarantine zones. The Ultimate Survivor Bundle, which includes special clothing and weapons as well as Crash Test Skin Pack. Crash Test Skin Pack is a skin pack for customizing your vehicle.

Rıza Tahtalı

My biggest hobby in my life is games. I played all game genres especially FPS and RPG. I'm an editor for gaming news here and I hope you enjoy my articles.

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