
What story does GYLT would like to tell through the story of its creation?

We delve deeper into our GYLT story. There was hardly a single spot in the town that the man had not put up a announcement to locate his cousin missing for over a month.

GYLT is an adventure-style narrative game that combines challenges, stealth, and action that takes place in a fictional mine town located in Maine. In this article, we take a look at the features GYLT provides us with its storyline, which gives fresh life to the genre of horror games.

What is it that GYLT would like to tell through it’s story?

Are you a believer in the supernatural?


Sally likely thought the same. Before losing her close friend Emily… There was hardly a spot in the town that the man didn’t put up a notice to track down his missing cousin for one month. The loss was not the fault of Sally however the guilt she felt within would take her on an unforgettable adventure.

What Does the GYLT Story Tell Us?

The story starts with Sally who is muttering of her lost cousin Emily. The entire community has given up hope on the small girl who’s been missing for over a month. The search is over and hope is dwindling. The only thing left is the notices of missing persons which Sally has frantically pasted together.

Two children who reside in a mining town known as Bethelwood and do not have a welcoming environment that they love. They live a life in which they are snubbed, ostracized and constantly ridiculed by children who surround them. In reality as time passes that children are the most cruel creatures in the world.

The bike of Sally was damaged when she ran away from children who bully her. She’s far away from her home. She would like to go home as soon as she can despite the snow falling, as it were if she had no need of all this hassle. At this point the man thinks about using to take the cable train. As he continues to hear the arrogant voices from the children that are following him, he’s following them.

After a short time she isn’t aware of the fact that she will be witness to the most important event of her life. There’s a man who’s a bit out of place at the ticket booth. The man is an older man with a beard that is white and snowy and glasses that resemble sunglasses in this kind of weather as well as a unique jacket and hat. The strangeness becomes obvious when the man stops talking. He explains to the girl, clearly having a problem and must purchase an airline ticket to get there and he won’t be able to assist.

In a desperate attempt to get the ticket, Sally runs and buys the ticket however, when she returns the old man isn’t there. It appears that the lights in the house he’d been speaking about are off and it appears as if he has not been in the cabin at all. Furthermore, it’s not just the elderly man who appears unusual. The ticket Sally purchased is different from the typical one.

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Our friend who has little to be doing, swiftly is taken to the cable car, and we find that it begins to run on its own when we first get on. The nightmare of Sally is gone. In spite of everything she’s endured Sally is going home now, regardless of how…


she believes that way.

As she arrives, Sally sees that there is no one in the area. There is only the light of a flashlight shining on the ground along with the sound of footsteps rushing to the left and right. The closer you are towards the city, the more bizarre things become. As if there were an earthquake there were lines appearing on the road and the floors sank. There are banners for the festival from the week before, falling electric poles, and a harrowing silence. Then Sally discovers Emily through the windows at the same school that they go to. It’s unclear if the man has been hiding inside the school throughout all of this time. What happens after he locates the key he’s trying to find to gain entry?

When she finds that key searching for to get into at the school, she has to face an experience she’s never seen before in her entire life. What lies before him is a frightened monster that has never been seen before. It’s a fact this isn’t actually the town in which Sally lives. The surroundings are familiar but is also distinct. It’s as if the world around him was an alternative reality that is his home. The monsters he witnessed at first, are in the schoolyard. As all this becomes an unimaginable nightmare, another one appears at the time it is introduced. Eyes that were huge, like they were watching Sally.


I’d like to start an unintentional parenthesis and discuss briefly what the name of this beast as well as the other monsters we’ll encounter throughout the tale;

The more characters that are within any given game, the greater specifics there are. Even when we, as a player, only see the character just once in the game his name and body are clearly defined. Naturally, all the creatures in this story do have names, but it’s slightly different. Names of monsters in this tale are based on the experiences of Emily who was bullied. they all represent the emotions of a certain person.

For instance The name for the monster that we first encounter is Stranger.

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As we enter the school the eyes that block the door are observers.

Violence is the element that ignites, a stark contrast to earlier in the Resident Evil series that we are likely to see in the near future.

Invisible ones or paranoia.

Models Blame, so blame

Camera monster To put it in a general way the term Exposure.

The last aspect we’ll see is that it means helplessness, which is helplessness.

If you have noticed, every name represents the majority of emotions a bullied child feels. You can even look at other elements within the games that show the bully. Wooden mannequins by their postures that depict the event, as opposed the moving ones written messages in the wall, ridiculous drawings drawn in both ways, as well as Emily’s diary are just a few examples of this!

The game’s name is


Or Guilt!

The name originates of the English word “guilt” which is a reference to guilt. The protagonist, Sally, feels a great deal of guilt for keeping not speaking up about the bullying of the cousin Emily. If you consider the basic plot that the sport is based on, in point of fact, it’s an important factor.

As Sally is trying to locate Emily She comes across the elderly man who she encounters at the ticket counter at times. While the man isn’t giving a clue as to who he is but he does often say that he must save Emily. In the course of each day, he creates the doorway to Emily who is abducted by the monster known as Despair. Sally is bravely able to get in this portal, rescues her friend and returns to where they began.


In the last phase of the game we, the participants are given a decision. As per the sage returning requires tickets for return. This means that Sally must either hand over an old ticket to her aunt, or her own and then leave.

Option 1

If Sally decides to save herself, she will leave Emily at home and escapes the nightmare while the monsters encroach on Emily along with the old man. However, she is regretful of the actions she took and continues to put up missing notices, despite knowing the circumstances surrounding his death.

This is not a good conclusion.

Option 2

If Sally decides to help her cousin Emily while Emily is waiting to board the cable car and this time Sally is confronted by monsters. The sequel begins in a short film featuring Emily appearing. The first few scenes in the tale are reversed. The little girl is no notices of Sally.

Absolutely… that’s a terrible ending too.

Option 3

The final option is the second option which is sometimes referred to as the secret ending. If Sally releases all prisoners she meets throughout the narrative, she designs an entirely new ticket using the pieces of paper she collects from every. In this way the old man remains in the same place, while two cousins go back to their normal lives. Emily thank him by gifting him a Teddy bear. If the old man actually dies isn’t clear however, if we look at it from the perspective of two cousins, it could be said to be the perfect ending.

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What exactly does all this have to do with it?

What do these stories will tell us about the players?

What is the story GYLT would like to tell through its story?

The story of GYLT is an emotional storyline that emphasizes the importance of how people react to the circumstances they face.

If you are attentive to the game, you’ll get a warning right at the start of the game.

This play addresses sensitive subjects. If you’ve been impacted by bullying and require help seek help from an experienced professional.’

The play, however, is a play that explores this topic with a the theme of’surreal.

The story begins when Sally embarks on the cable car. when she boarded the train, a different reality emerges. The game combined a serious problem like bullying among peers with some fantastical fiction, and presented it in this manner for the players… and more precisely it represented it.

In the end, if you want to know what the man in the picture represents I’ll give you my opinion: It represents conscience, dear readers. Because Sally achieves a high level of awareness throughout the tale. The awareness reminds him that he has always was silent and didn’t think about the wrongs committed to Emily. But, the man of old is the one who sat in Sally’s eyes, and then let her into the nightmare of a lifetime.



Dear friends, you’ve been able to read about Gylt or GYLT that was created in Madrid by Spanish firm Tequila Works specifically for the launch of Google Stadia in 2019, however, it was released for all platforms in the month of July 2023. I hope you like.

GYLT inspired me to think of Silent Hill at times, Alan Wake at times, Little Nightmares at times and even the TV show Stranger Things the most. It’s an entirely different view especially when he talks about the issue of peer bullying in an imaginative manner. That’s the way I view the issue. You are also free to express your own thoughts through the comment section. Thanks for taking the time to read, goodbye!

İlayda Mete

I am a 23 year old technology lover. I share with you the developments about technology that excite me and my experiences with games.

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