
Gylt is the first exclusive game from Stadia to be released on Steam

A Tequila Works game

The Gylt video game by Tequila Works, the Spanish studio that created Rime and The Sexy Brutale was among the first Stadia games. Set in a surreal, melancholic, and spooky world, where nightmares become reality, GYLT tells a chilling tale where dreams and realities mix.

Steam has opened a page for this game.

GYLT, a story-driven game set in a fictional, former mining town of Maine, USA, is a puzzle, stealth, and action-based adventure. Sally, on the run from bullies, finds herself in an altered version of her hometown, where all her worst fears and memories are brought to life in a highly realistic manner.

As I love Tequila Works previous games, I will add them to my Steam library as soon they are released.

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Rıza Tahtalı

My biggest hobby in my life is games. I played all game genres especially FPS and RPG. I'm an editor for gaming news here and I hope you enjoy my articles.

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