
Modern wars signaling Artificial Intelligence will be employed in conflicts

Palantir that specializes in the field of big data analysis, recently introduced its artificial intelligence, which could be employed in conflicts. While the company states that artificial intelligence is 100% ethical, the sign of the modern wars has been released.

Peter Thiel’s billionaire company Palantir is a specialist with big-data analytics has launched an initiative called the Palantir Artificial Intelligence Platform (AIP) AIP is a software that aims to run large model languages such as GBT-4 as well as its alternative models using private networks. Palantir shows in one of its videos promoting the product how an army can make use of AIP during conflict.

In the video that is shared the drone pilot orders reconnaissance, develops various plans for attack and arranges for the intercept of communications with the enemy by using a chatbot that is modeled after ChatGPT.

terrifying scenario

In the scenario of Palantir in the scenario, a “military operator responsible for monitoring activities in Eastern Europe” receives a message from AIP that an enemy is assembling military equipment in close proximity to troops from the nearby. The user then requests the chatbot to provide more details, and receives additional information, and finally is able to ask the AI to anticipate possible scenarios.

The video clearly has amazing (that word may not be appropriate in this context) illustrations of what the future of warfare could look like. The camera operator requests artificial intelligence to give better images following the initial assumption. After launching an Reaper MQ-9 drone to take photos, the operator finds a tank T-80 which is one of the Soviet-era Russian vehicle, in close proximity to the border of friendly forces. The true story explodes in this scene. The AI is asked by the AI what could be done to stop the enemy’s target. AIP provides the user with three operational options: F-16, long-range artillery and Javelin missiles. In the clip the AI also knows the number of troops in the area that have enough Javelin to finish the mission.

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The presentation of Palantir is extremely dangerous and frightening. Although there is an element of “human in the loop” in the AIP demo, we also see that the actions of humans are directly dependent of what AI offers. Armed drones without a pilot have for a long time been accused of abstracting war. Palantir’s vision is a further representation of the war and its situation by automating the process entirely. While the company makes use of terms like “ethical” and “right” but the real danger of the story is much more serious.

However the video is a demonstration of the application for AI within the army. The other half shows a glimpse of the back end to the AI system. Palantir states that it integrates AIP with modifications to open-source major languages models. Palantir also discusses the ways that military AI platforms like AIP are more secured, however it doesn’t elaborate on how to accomplish this. The company also emphasizes that AIP will provide a safe digital record of all operations.

İlayda Mete

I am a 23 year old technology lover. I share with you the developments about technology that excite me and my experiences with games.

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