
Transport Fever 2: Console Edition – Review

The game focuses on the revolutionary changes in the last 170 years in the field of transportation and transport, Transport Fever 2 finally made its debut for consoles following its success on computers. The game, released for consoles with the title Transport Fever 2: Console Edition began in 1850 before reaching the contemporary world. It’s been a long period of time, we have opened our own business within the realm of gaming and are transporting both individuals and cargo in the area we’re in. The regions we reside in are also growing as time passes; new vehicles are released, and we’re trying to get the most out of them.

Transport Fever 2: Console Edition comes with the scenario mode as well as the “Sandbox” mode where you can install the game at your own discretion. The scenario mode lets you travel back to 1850 to see what the globe is evolving in the field of transportation and transportation. It is divided into three chapters that comprise six scenarios across three distinct continents. The scenario mode can also help players to master the game. The game’s missions begin with a simple task, but they evolve as time passes. Particularly when you get to the second stage you will have a better understanding of the fundamentals to the game. In the third and second portions, you are trying to conquer the challenges you will encounter more.

Transport Fever 2: Console Edition features over 200 cars across three continents. The vehicles are split into four categories: rail, land, water as well as air-based vehicles. Additionally, all of these vehicles are split into three distinct categories within them. Certain vehicles are only able to carry individuals, while others carry just cargo. In reality, certain vehicles are only capable of carrying certain kinds of cargo. Others can handle both cargo and passengers simultaneously. Utilizing these devices you can satisfy the requirements of the local area. This means you can earn more money and can survive in an era where technology is constantly evolving.

Transportation Fever 2: Console Edition isn’t just an experience of playing with vehicles. It also places a significant focus on simulation of economy. Thus simply connecting trains from one point to B isn’t going to lead to long-term satisfaction. The amount you pay for the routes you create as well as the length of the routes, empty driving of vehicles, and more are all things to think about. As you progress through the game, things get more complex and, after an extended period, you’ll must use your brain to come up with useful routes. This game for consoles doesn’t present any difficulties in the beginning.

Transport Fever 2: Console Edition is well-designed for consoles.

It’s always simpler to play games such as Transport Fever 2 on computers with a mouse and keyboard. In the end, these kinds of games have numerous menus that you need to move through quickly. Consoles’ controllers aren’t equipped with the same amount of options as the keyboard mouse, the user interface could be extremely difficult to design, however, Transport Fever 2: Console Edition has solved this issue with the best approach. It is easy to access the menus that you’re looking for in the game by press two buttons. The menu for construction is always visible on the screen. You can quickly discover what you are searching for.

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The same applies to the management of vehicles as well as routes. It is very easy to comprehend the management components of Transport Fever 2: Console Edition and also to navigate and manage business effectively. My biggest fear with games of this kind was that there were so many menus that were not transferable to consoles. However, this project has an extremely successful design. In other words there isn’t any technological difference between the game on the computer as well as the version for consoles. Of course, it’s unfortunate that mod support for the PC version isn’t accessible on consoles, but mods don’t come to consoles a lot of the time.

As I mentioned In Transport Fever 2: Console Edition The scenarios teach the game in a way that is enjoyable and give you 10-20 hours of fun entertainment. After this is completed mode, there is only “Sandbox” mode remains. This mode lets you have the ability to create the modifications you’d like and create your own game using randomly generated maps. This means that aside from the more basic options like when the game will begin you can also alter the ratio of height and water in the maps, the amount of industries and villages, and even where the vehicles that are in the region could come from. In addition, you can create a game exactly how you’d like it to be.

The first shock of Transport Fever 2: Console Edition actually occurs in this section. If you play in the “Scenario Mode”, the points you have to travel between are well-placed, but during the “Sandbox” mode, the biggest challenge is in the beginning, because the entire game is created randomly. Also, regardless of regardless of whether you begin from the year 1850 or 2000, purchasing wheat, making bread and then distributing it among cities may have a more complicated structure than in the scenarios mode. Villages, their demands and the businesses that are able to satisfy those needs are shown on the map in a random manner.


We have successfully setup our lines regardless of the console or computer version.

Your experience with Transport Fever 2: Console Edition typically begins like this You first discover a town that’s easy to help. When I say simple to support, I mean that towns have requirements, and industries that meet these needs can be found near by. It is easy to identify the ones you can and begin to explore. For example, if you know that a town needs bread, you first put an unloading point at the source of the wheat, then you stop in the area where the wheat will be transformed into bread. You then put an additional stop in the town that needs bread. You then plan your route between the three locations.

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The game Transport Fever 2: Console Edition In this game, you create the route between bread and wheat points, and then identify 5-10 vehicles and watch the wheat be transported step-by-step. It is necessary to determine the vehicle. This is how you’ve created your initial distribution and production route. The commercial areas of the city need things like bread and the city will grow by itself when you sell enough bread. The industrial areas of cities require various items. For instance, you may must make silver-based equipment for them however the principle is usually identical.

In Transport Fever 2: Console Edition, it is important to ensure that you make cash. For instance, you could transport bread to cities from across the world using carriages pulled by horses however, this is only going to hurt your. You won’t be able earn money as the travel routes are long. It is the reason you must always to make short and efficient routes. In the beginning in the process, just the carriages and trains are accessible However, as time goes on planes and ships are also readily available. For your train you need to select the parts which will transport both the train and passengers or cargo independently.

As I mentioned earlier that you can also transport people with Transport Fever 2: Console Edition. When the routes you design provide a city with bread and other equipment as well, you are able to establish buses in that city. It is possible to set up lines for ships or planes between two cities. You can also connect bus stops to piers and airports so that passengers can get to these locations more quickly. Naturally, you must ensure that your routes will save you money when you are transporting passengers. However you must be vigilant about the condition of your vehicles and their condition. They can cause you to lose money since old vehicles are more costly to maintain.

Transport Fever 2 was a essential game for consoles

Transport Fever 2: Console Edition is a title that is sure to be a hit in terms of presentation also. The first thing to note is that the game looks fairly simple visually. Particularly, when compared to the style of Anno 1800: Console Edition that was released just in the last few days, it’s not too impressive. However, on the other hand, I believe it’s pretty similar the visuals of Cities: Skylines – Remastered perhaps a bit more appealing. There’s not a lot of detail in the graphics of the game, but at the very least it doesn’t have a sloppy design that could irritate your eyes. It is possible to see every aspect and all the details you require and that’s what I believe is crucial.

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I tried Transport Fever 2: Console Edition on my PlayStation 5 console and the version that was the next generation available of this game available. This version has nothing to complain about at any aspect on the performance front. The game loads extremely quickly and does not have any mistakes and runs with 60 frames per second. That is, if there are numerous vehicles displayed on screen there’s no issue with FPS even if you are 50-100 years ahead of the game. The only issue is that the sound and music can be disappointing. There’s nothing that’s particularly engaging or that you’d like to increase the volume a bit. The rest of the sound elements won’t be noticed or be distinctive in any manner.

Transport Fever 2 is a video game that ought to be available on consoles, my view. In particular, when we consider that the Anno 1800 game has come to consoles with new generation systems in recent times, a brand new game called Cities: Skylines game has been released, and an update of Cities: Skylines has been made available for computers as well as consoles. Consoles are now equipped with this kind of management. It looks like a great place to play games. It’s very satisfying to be able to experience Transport Fever 2: Console Edition that approaches this genre from a different manner for a place. It is also affected by the fact that I enjoy the genre very much.

I’m not sure what happened in the Xbox front however I do think that this game’s Steam or PlayStation versions of the game are both worth purchasing, particularly if you are a fan of this kind of genre. If you’ve played games like Anno 1800: Console Edition and Cities: Skylines – Remastered, and you’re interested in land, air or water vessels, then you could take a look. There aren’t many negatives to the game and I feel it is worthy of playing. I would like to experience the new games in this series in greater detail in the near future.

Transport Fever 2: Console Edition - Review

Enjoyable! - 7.8



There's a wide selection of automobiles from 1850 until the present and it's an enjoyable experience trying to determine the most efficient transportation and transport routes using these vehicles.

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Ayşe Gül_

Ayse is an actress who writes reviews for the Games.

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